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God is speaking to us all! Are we listening? He chooses to speak to us in various forms.  In this book it is poetic form.  His message is in the poems.


Poetry is the heart singing,

it comes from deep within.

when you hear these words of love,

they really come from Him.


It is a way to tell all, He  loves them.

A way to touch each and every heart.

It is a flowing of His Spirit,

like when david would play his harp.

Here are some poems and insight from book #4


A very truthful poem.  What I have discovered as I have gotten older (a lot older) that I have to be careful for little things can turn into big things quickly especially for the negative things. I do pray that all your little things turn into awesome wonderful things.  Yep, don't sweat the small stuff!


The Little Things

It is the little things in life
that can make or break your day.
Maybe a smile from a stranger or friend
as you go about your way.

It could be something little
like no more toothpaste in the tube,
that will cause you frustration
and through your day adds to what bugs you.

Maybe too it could be
a kind jester that comes your way.
Like someone being courteous to you
which seems less and less these days.

Yes, it is the little things in life,
either the good or the bad,
that can make for the best
or the worse day that you had.

But please keep this in mind
if little things bring happiness or strife.
When we group them all together
it is what they call “life”!

E. P. 

Excerpt From:
“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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 Well, for sure in this life we do face a lot of battles.  We should not be surprised for it is written in the Bible that we would in John 16:33. But as it states in the poem we should not give up for the victory is in sight.


The Battle

The battle is before us
the enemy is well known.
He will not give up
nor will he leave us alone.

His plan is to defeat us
using whatever way he can.
He attacks our minds, bodies, and spirits,
destruction is his plan.

Some weapons in his arsenal
are diseases, depression, and oh, so many lies.
He wants to keep everyone weak and helpless,
this way no one fights or even tries.

But my friends, the Father is aware of this,
it has been known from day one.
If you turn to the book of Revelation,
it’s all there, the enemy loses, because of His Son!

So fight on, fight on, fight on,
please don’t give up the fight.
It may seem like we are losing,
but look, the victory is truly in sight!

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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This is a poem that probably many people can relate to.  I  know for myself someone will ask how I am doing and almost all the time I will answer "I'm doing fine!".  but sometimes to be honest I am not.  Something is going on but I just do not want to burden that person with my problems for they probably have a lot more problems than I do.


I’m Doing Fine

Many a days I am asked,
“How are you doing today?”
I look and smile, “I’m doing fine,
what about you?”, is what I say.

But to be honest somedays
I am not the smiley person that you see.
Still I always answer the same,
“I’m doing fine”, why? because that is me.

I realize other people have problems,
not all their hairs are in place.
A lot are having very bad days,
I can tell by the look on their face.

So, I don’t want to add
anymore problems to their day.
That is why when they look at me,
“I’m doing fine,what about you?”, is what I say.

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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I like how this short and to the point poem turned out. It even looks like a tree. One of my favorite sayings is, "Life is good if you don't weaken!" Oh how true!


Of Life

Life is life,
it’s good, it’s bad
it’s happy, it’s sad.

It’s challenging, rewarding,
it’s heartless, savage,
leaving many in mourning.

It’s refreshing, exciting,
it’s draining, it’s careless,
why so many are always fighting.

It’s positive, encouraging,
it’s disheartening, unforgiving,
but for sure, it truly is worth living.

It goes by quick
then your last breath is taken
Praise God for Eternity, with Him in Heaven.

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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Now here is a poem that the older generation, me for sure, can relate to.  The more I look around the more the decaying of this world I do see. As it states in the last stanza, "God's help we will need!"



Many, many years ago,
America was newly found.
Immigrants from all around the world came,
for the love of freedom they were bound.

They prayed and worshiped an Almighty God,
and trusted what was written in His Word.
They gave thanks for all their blessings,
and to Heaven it was surly heard.

They formed their own government,
and they all believed in one accord.
“for the people, by the people”,
were not just meaningless words.

So now we fast forward through the years,
what has happened, how did it all go away?
Well, I believe there is a word
that describes it best, it is called “decay”!

See, when you stop caring for something,
it slowly, day by day, rots away.
It is up to each one that loves her,
to make sure it doesn’t happen that way.

For sure we can’t do it ourselves,
for as always, God’s help we will need.
See, He will always do His part,
the rest is up to you and me.

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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A good poem to follow the one above is I believe the answer to it.  How should we live? Is there a manual that we could read about life? Yep, it is called the Bible!


The Right Way

Did you ever wonder
what is the right way to live?
Well open your Bible
for there the answer is.

In Philippines 4 verse 8
it describes it so well,
directions for how you should live
and to others you should tell.

See, whatever is true and honest,
also whatever is just and pure,
this is a start to a Godly life
and that is for sure.

Whatever is lovely, also things of good report,
if there be any virtue and any praise,
my friends, the Bible says to
think on all these things throughout your day.

See, whatever you put your mind to,  
in life that is what it will be.
There is only right or wrong,
sorry, no in-betweens!

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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This 4th book of mine has an assortment of various poem subjects.  this one here is about our pets.  If you are a pet lover as I am you can relate for sure.


Our Furry Friends

They never get to say a word,
they just stay closely by.
All they want is our attention,
as the time just passes by.

They wait for us to feed them,
and to take them out when nature calls,
they wait for us to play with them,
to us it’s not that much, to them it’s their all.

Our furry friends make life interesting,
they give us all the love they can,
if the Lord did let them speak,
I think it would be, “Hey, here I am!”

So thank You Heavenly Father,
for the furry gifts You send our way.
May we always find time to spend with them,
throughout our busy days!

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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I do pray that you enjoy these excerpts of poems from this 4th.  A good one to end with I believe is this one.  So true that we all have a part to do.


You Have A Part

What are you hearing
when the Pastor speaks?
Is it what you want to hear
or through the Holy Spirit do you seek?

As the Pastor presents God’s message,
is your mind and heart ready to receive?
Are you open to what God is saying to you?
In God’s Word do you truly believe?

See, God is doing His part,
the Pastor is just one of God’s aides.
We all must be willing and able
to be receptive of what God is going to say.

God wants you to know His love and will for you
but it is up to you to do your part.
This relationship is about two, you and God,
it’s about God’s love and your heart.

E. P. Shagott

Excerpt From:

“From God's Heart, To Mine, To Yours, Heaven”
Book #4


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To listen to narrated audio version on YouTube click on selected link below.

From God’s Heart, to Mine, to Yours, Heaven 
Book #4 by E. P. Shagott
Narrated by Jamal 

God's Love Outreach Western New York

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