Welcome to the "Spotlight" page.
This page is used to highlight a song video, poem or other heartfelt messages. Be blessed!

Grief is a hard thing to explain and even harder to live with. The loss of a loved one, yes, even a pet, can take away whatever enjoyment you can find in this life. The strange thing about it is it is part of this life. I found this poem which I thought explains the loss of a love very well. Also the two song videos also has helped me at times of great hurting. I pray if God brings you to this "spotlight" item that you will be blessed and give Him the honor and praise He deserves.

In five days it's Christmas.
A song a day and that blessed day!
Christmas Day
O Holy Night!
December 23rd, 2021
December 21st, 2021
December 24th, 2021
December 22nd, 2021

To be honest this video should be spotlighted constantly. My friends, it is what this life and of course the next one is all about. I feel there are so many that still don't know Him. But be aware that once you do, well then it comes down to you. Either yes, you accept Him as your Lord and Savior or you don't. I made my choice. I do understand that "He is God!"

I wanted to spotlight these two poems and also the song "Savior's Shadow" for I truly believe how awesome and important this message is. I also share this on my November 4th Heart Blog in this website.
In being a “new creation” or a “new creature” in Christ, you are born into a brand-new line of creation. Therefore, Paul can say, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). This (at least, partially) explains why you receive new vision (John 3:3; Hebrews 11:1; 2 Corinthians 4:6) and new hearing (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 28; 3:13, 22) when you are born again.

I have done something like this before titled The Prayer below. Each of the highlighted title below is a song video shown below the prayer. I pray Here I Am To Worship will touch your heart in someway that will bring you to a closer relationship with God. Be blessed!

Here I Am To Worship

This video is a collection of songs titled My Prayer. On the left side of the video is the prayer capturing each title of the various selected songs. I do believe God's Message for all of us is in these songs. May you be blessed by one or all and hear Him speaking to you as I do.

My Prayer

Praise God for this Wonderful World He has given us. All we have to do is open our blessed eyes to understand His love for us!
Yes, my friends, come take my hand and Walk Through This World with me!

The TRUTH is, that all of the “STUFF” here on earth we work SO hard to buy and accumulate..does NOT mean a thing. At the end of the day...people will be cleaning out our "STUFF", going thru our "STUFF", figuring out what to do with all of our "STUFF"....this "STUFF" we've accumulated in our life. The only thing of VALUE that remains are the MEMORIES and what we deposit into others. May we all learn to spend less time accumulating "STUFF" and spend way more time making MEMORIES…

As we go through life
many fail to see,
it is not about the “stuff”
it is about you an me.
All we worked for
and collected through the years
ends up meaningless
because you’re no longer here.
So many missed times
and memories to be shared,
gathering stuff to accumulate
we were so unaware.
We didn’t see time passing
we never seemed to have enough,
work, work, work,
gathering more stuff.
Well, I now have all the stuff,
my collecting days are through.
All meaningless now,
for I no longer have “you”!
E. P. Shagott
Use wisely the seconds my friends, for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years they become. Don't waste them on stuff but rather family and friends. Grab onto each, love and enjoy each and every one.
This song video is titled Tin Man. It is all about a broken heart which I can surly relate to with the passing of my wife. It is in pieces now. I do wish I could have Tin Man's armor.

These poems and song video is what my life is now about. If God is not #1 in your life then He is truly not in your life!
It Was Not Me
I opened my mouth to speak,
but it was not me.
I looked out of these worldly eyes,
but I really could not see.
I reached out with sinful hands
to grab from all I could.
With my ears I listened to satan’s lies,
no wonder my life was not good.
So I got down on my knees,
and said, “Jesus, what can I do?”
Jesus spoke to my heart and said,
“Let me be all of you!”
So now Christ and I are one
and I finally understand,
ever since God said, “Let there be light”,
I was always in His plan!
E. P. Shagott
It’s About Him
I don’t have many friends on Facebook,
on Twitter I’m following just a few.
But what I know is most important,
following Jesus is what I want to do.
See it is not about all the others
that may try to empress you and me,
but just knowing in my heart
because of Jesus, I am now free.
So if you find me on Twitter,
or when on Facebook I may be,
what you are really seeing
is Jesus Christ, coming through me.
The message may be short,
or lengthy as can be.
But one thing you will know for sure,
it’s about Him
and definitely not about me!
E. P. Shagott

This poem and song video's is a tribute to my wife Jeanne who lost her battle to cancer on June 28th, 2021.

This song video is titled In Christ Alone. As you listen to the words I pray you find me throughout the song.

This song video is titled God Bless America Medley. I do pray that God continues to bless our great nation. Great because it was founded on His principles and His word.

I always like this picture. When I look at it, I think back to my mother when she would say, "Show me where it hurts!" Well, for a lot of people this probably would explain it, for they would need this size of a bandage to cover all their hurts. I put Jesus on the picture to emphasize how for me He truly takes all my hurts and covers them with His love!